Matrix Bridge & Server

Matrix is an open source, modern, federated chat and voice client with a full range of encryption features; A federation model allows interoperability and interconnectivity across a range of clients and servers (much like email protocols do) – Matrix functions like a cross between Discord’s ease-of-use and IRC client’s multi-server networking – but with the addition of bridging to and from other services – such as IRC and Discord. We offer a bridged service from our Matrix server to channels on our IRC network, as well as our Discord rooms (which are bridged to IRC through Matrix) – but our Matrix server is also a standalone service with federated access to any other Matrix server. Unlike Discord, Matrix is run on a network of private servers – if you use our server, you deal with us directly, not with a corporate entity. However, you still have access to the federated network – and all of their respective bridges to and from other messaging apps.